13th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies SET 2014 Geneva,Switzerland

   2023-02-07 4300
核心提示:Location: Geneva - SwitzerlandDates: 25th – 28th August 2014Call for papersContributions are invited on the topics within the conference scope of Sustainable Energy Technologies. All contributio
Location: Geneva - Switzerland

Dates: 25th – 28th August 2014

Call for papers

Contributions are invited on the topics within the conference scope of Sustainable Energy Technologies. All contributions should be of high quality, original and not published elsewhere or submitted for publication during the review period. All papers will be peer reviewed. Accepted papers will be presented orally or by poster.

Important deadlines

28th February 2014 One-page abstract submission
31th March 2014 Notification of abstract acceptance
30th May 2014 Full manuscript submission
30th June 2014 Notification of manuscript acceptance


The conference is organised by Prof. Saffa Riffat, University of Nottingham and Prof. Osmann Sari, HES-SO University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland

Further instructions on submissions and registration

Contact: set2014@hes-so.ch

All accepted papers would be published in the conference proceedings. Selected papers would also be published in special issues or normal issues of international journals such as Applied Energy, Energy Research or Low-Carbon Technologies.

Organised by

HES-SO University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland
World Society of Sustainable Energy Technologies

Conference Topics

Renewable Energies (E1)
Biomass & Biofuels
Geothermal energy
Ocean energy
Solar energy
Wind energy

Energy Conversion (E2)
Artificial photosynthesis
Heat pump
Heating and cooling systems
Thermomagnetic conversion

Energy Storage (E3)
Carbon sequestration
Hydrogen and fuel cell technologies
Phase change materials (PCMs)

Energy technologies (E4)
Building energy systems & HVAC
Ecology, ecosystem and biodiversity
Environment technologies
Energy and Exergy efficiency
Green design
Life cycle assessment
Low carbon technologies
Smart and sustainable cities
Sustainable energy development
Waste management and recycling

Policies & Management (E5)
Carbon tax
Energy and environment policies
Energy and environment security
Energy and environment strategies
Sustainable energy education
International cooperation
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